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Old 11-17-2012, 12:39 PM
3speeds3 3speeds3 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
Age: 69
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3speeds3 is on a distinguished road
66 Convertible

You and I are in the same boat, I just bought a 66 convertible too, same issues. Mine is all original, 61,000 miles. I just brought it home a couple weeks ago, I'm going through all the mechanicals first. My interior is all complete, but well worn. No tears, but the carpet is worn through in a couple of places. Friend of mine, (old car expert, has over 20) suggested I leave it original, but replace the carpet. He said once you start you have to do the whole thing. As mine is only dirty, he says scrub it down and enjoy it. "It's only original once"
Let me know how it goes.
Bay Area
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