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Old 08-01-2003, 10:05 AM
shemp shemp is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Plano, TX
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shemp is on a distinguished road

After my '66 sat for 10 years, (I just bought it this year), the gas in the carb was total varnish. Took me about 8 hrs to clean and rebuild. Gas in the tank was rancid also. 10 years is alot to ask of the garbage gas that is pushed on us. My fuel sending unit in the tank was clogged too. After changing all the fluids mentioned already, check to see if you can open both the primary and secondary on the carb. Mine were stuck shut from the varnish. If you can, you're luckier than me! IF not, you're in for a good cleaning/rebuild, or new carb. Drain all the gas out of the tank and put new in. I'd guess even if your carb is not stuck, it may need a rebuild anyway after sitting for that long. If you don't get fuel delivery when you finally get to crank it, check the fuel lines for clogs. Also, change the fuel filter as that's probably shot too. Now the good news :) After I rebuilt the carb , changed fluids, unclogged the fuel lines, changed fuel filter, scraped the corrosion off the points (I had no spark), cleaned the plugs, and squirted some oil in each cylinder, It started RIGHT UP! Good luck!
1966 Town Hardtop - project car
1986 Mustang GT - original owner - daily driver
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