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  #6 (permalink)   IP:
Old 07-27-2012, 12:32 AM
I.H.S.V. I.H.S.V. is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
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After a long time of fanangling, I finally figured out that it was my ignition switch. When I turned the thng over, it would start, but something in the wiring was wrong so it started to heat up the the ignition key switch (where you put your key in. The specific terminology escapes me). After that heated up to a certain point, the connections that allowed the electricity to flow to the coil, would start to expand, wreaking the connection and it would lose power. When it got hot enough, it would break the connection and kill the engine. Nothing was wired up wrong though. I think it was its time to go. Thank you all for all the help. This little fiasco gave me unfathomable knowledge into the inner workings of my thunderbird's ignition system.
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