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Old 07-22-2012, 10:37 PM
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Dave ESPI Dave ESPI is offline
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Albany NY.- UNDER THE HOOD.
Age: 48
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Dave ESPI is on a distinguished road
I have a 63 bird that is new to me as of a month ago. I have not driven it anywhere. been working on it in and out of the garage. Today I went to put it away, and I started to hear a light 'knocking" sound that progressively got louder. I shut of engine. I checked my guages, checked for anything visual and oil dipstick said add oil (low). I added 3 quarts of oil and it said full. Restarted engine it was better but still had that noise. I also hhave a coolant leak comming from what I believe to be the trany cooler lines that isn't really that bad, but drips enough to puddle after the engine is running about 15 min. I checked the overflow tank, and it looked empty. Where is the level supposed to be on the coolant? engine didnt say it was hot on the guages as I really didn't run it long enough to cause any issues while we were diagnosing some electrical lighting issues.

It sounds like it is comming from the cylinder up near the oil filter on the driver side, but I will double check tomorrow.

Any ideas?

I really really fear it is a wrist pin or a con rod going bad low end berring... PRAY FOR MEEEEE @ not to be :(
Cars suck, yeah d00d,
So does walking.

EDIT: Cars suck wayyyyy less.
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