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Old 06-13-2012, 08:26 AM
RobertZpianoman RobertZpianoman is offline
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low oil pressure

an engine rebuild shop can determine if you have a weak pump (tolerances) or is your guage not accurate,,,in any case your presssures are not up to spec"s and at this time it is a priority to get it checked as engine failure could leave you stranded...interesting thought...never keep going from regular oil then to synthetic type and then to regular oil. by the way what happenens when you add fresh oil today...and get that old oil out of the picture ?? 40 wt. for engine with 100k on it would be a good grade. if this cures the problem then yes, your old carb dumped gas into your oil making it a hazard to all your babbit on crank shaft rods etc. sorry if this is the case try the oil change first and remember if you go to a synthetic after doing (2 changes )to be sure all the regular oil is out of the way then you would be paying the $8.50 a quart from then on! like me , the second engine in the car with synthetic oil in the block and only premium fuel from tenneessee's" sun-co" brand of non-ethanol fuel I am ok with my 12 mpg. 352 c.i. ride.
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