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Old 05-19-2012, 06:20 PM
BadCat BadCat is offline
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No Brake Lights, signals,or flashers on my '67 Please Help!!!

Hi everyone. I'm a new T-Bird owner. (2 days) I have owned Cougars for 20+ years and now have purchased a Thunderbird. Unfortunately the car I bought has none of what I mentionned in the title working.

I can hear a relay clicking on the drivers side under the hood when I apply the brake but thats it. There is nothing that happens at all when I turn the signals on, and periodically when I push the flasher button I can hear a clicking somewhere that sounds like it's coming from a relay behind the back seat. If I prop a piece of wood on the brake pedal and check all wires in the trunk I have no power there at all.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Also can anyone tell me where I should have power (what wire colors) when my lights are on, my brake is applied and when my 4-ways are on.

Thank you
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