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Old 03-08-2012, 02:09 PM
AshTray900 AshTray900 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Mississippi
Age: 44
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AshTray900 is on a distinguished road
ie got my power antenna in a box, as far as i know everything is fine on it except that the mast is broken, just went the route of installing a stationary one, couldnt find a mast for it anywhere.

rebuilt the stock stereo last summer though and it sounds great. Its lacking in power badly compared to todays standards though.

Anybody know how to work the seek scan feature? when i press the button it does nothing, but if i press the button while i turn it off and on it starts seeking and stops on the first station it comes to. maybe its not working like it should. I replaced all caps in the unit and rebelted the motors for the seek function. does what it should apparently but only does it when the radio is powered on with one of the buttons pressed, not "on the fly" whenever i hit the button.
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