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  #8 (permalink)   IP:
Old 01-28-2012, 09:36 AM
Ian M Greer Ian M Greer is offline
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: North Bay Ont. Canada
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Ian M Greer is on a distinguished road

Harley, I stand corrected on the Vin numbers a 2Y89 for late produced 1962 sports roadsters and 2Y85 for early 1962 sports roadsters again veryified by Martini sheets it was ordered from the factory with the sports roadster package , and 3Y89 for the 1963 sports roadster . As for the wheels all I can say is check Fords ordering form (no skirts on the sports roadster ) As I said before aftermarket wire wheels were shortened in the hub area so that skirts could be used with the later aftermarket wheels. True Kelsey Hayes wire wheels have the KH stamped on the inside of the rim , I quess one possibility is newer centres on original Kelsey's if the fit . Ian
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