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Old 01-20-2012, 02:47 PM
ewoodard ewoodard is offline
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ewoodard is on a distinguished road
glamourbird power windows now

Thanks- found set on ebay. Tbird stuff is EXPENSIVE! However, after replaceing the starter solenoid and setting up the external fuel tank, the Glamourbird RUNS! ITS ALIVE ITS ALIVE ITS ALIVE! Wipers work! Some windoes work! Has gazillions of vac leaks, so it does not run well, but we'll start on those soon.

Next question- all of the power windows work except for the driver's side. As its a 30k car, motor is probably not worn out, even on the driver's side. Any suggestions? Is there some relay hidden in the deepest darkes depths of the dash (alliteration-oooh).
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