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Old 07-26-2003, 12:57 AM
woodward bird woodward bird is offline
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Royal Oak Michigan
Posts: 61
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woodward bird is on a distinguished road

joe, i dont deal with shops or garages that much anymore because every since i was about 17 i have done all my own wrenching so since the local shops dont know me i dont know if they would do it fast or charge me or not, but there is a parts store that i go to down the street where the guys know me real well and they sell shop tools(gear puller :D )and they pulled the power steering pulley off for me last summer while i waited,that way i didnt have to buy the puller it was like $40-50 for i'll run down there in the morning and see if they will pull it off for me,thanks for the idea i didnt even think of that must'a been out in the sun to long workin on the car today ;) the new motor's lookin good...hope it run's as good as it looks.
Somwhere on Woodward ave. Cruisin
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