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Old 07-25-2003, 10:03 PM
woodward bird woodward bird is offline
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Royal Oak Michigan
Posts: 61
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woodward bird is on a distinguished road

Joe & Cannedbird...thanks for the advise in my other post but i have a question and i cant figure it out. I decided to pre oil my motor,like cannedbird said its just free insurance so i figured i'd do it,so i am to the point of dropping in the distrb. i took my "old" one and placed it in a vise holding the cam gear to knock the pins out so i can get the gear off and use it to pre oil, well the pins came out and i beat the fire out of the gear but it wont i missing somthing here or is it just that stuck on the shaft? i have a mallory for the new one so i'm not worried about damaging the old one.

woody :p ;)
Somwhere on Woodward ave. Cruisin
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