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Old 09-14-2011, 09:32 AM
Tim Cole Tim Cole is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
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Heater Control Valve

To your question, yes, the heater control valve should be "on" now.
From your picture, it looks like someone has hooked up additional heater hoses to your heater control valve. Where do these hoses go??? They should not be there. Study the picture I posted earlier and you will see how the heater control valve/hoses should look.

As I mentioned earlier, the coolant should flow freely into the heater core (on the firewall; the coolant heats up the heater core so it can produce heat for your car) and then flow freely out again without blockage. If there is a blockage (of the hot coolant) anywhere, the heater core cannot function and you will not get any heat in your car.
Keep me posted. Best wishes. tim
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