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Old 09-12-2011, 08:05 PM
Tim Cole Tim Cole is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
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Lack of heat in your T-Bird

You may have one or two problems: Start with the most likely:
1) The heat/hot air for your Bird is generated by having the hot coolant flow from the water pump into the heater core on the firewall by means of heater hoses. If the coolant is not getting into the heater core, you won't get any hot air out of your vents. Sometimes the problem is the heater control valve--located on one of the two heater hoses.
(See attached pix of different types of the hcv and placement near the firewall):
-Is your heater control valve rusty and not opening up?
-Is it hooked up to the very small rubber vacuum line from the firewall?
-Is the "arrow" on the temperature control valve pointed in the right direction?
-If the heater core is rusted or simply not working, you should replace it. It's an easy and inexpensive fix.

Keep us informed as to your progress. All the best to you in your work! Tim, Florida

Last edited by Tim Cole; 03-09-2013 at 11:06 AM.
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