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Old 09-05-2011, 09:08 AM
dansbirds dansbirds is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Jamestown NY
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dansbirds is on a distinguished road
When you are sitting in the car can you move the wheel? I dont mean slide away, but up and down a bit. There are bushings in the column that deteriorate. Also the shift handle if never replaced will be worn on the end in the column from 45 years of moving from gear position to position. If your dad was lifting up on the handle to get it to start I would look at these areas. If there is slop/play in the column I would imagine your neutral safety switch cant quite tell what gear your in and isnt going to let you start the car in gear. Last ? do you have trouble keeping the car in park? thats another result of these pieces being worn. Sorry I am not closer to St Louis area as I would give you a hand as I have put more than a few of these back together. Have you tried moving the shift lever to neutral to start?
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