Guys i should have my fresh 390 ready to fire this week (was on vaca last week)and i had a few questions these questions are for antone but Joe vandatta you seem to be the t bird doctor from what i have seen in the short time i have been here so i hope i can get your opinion on this. Here go's
1. for breakin in what would you suggest for a oil i know not synthitic but any perticuliar wt or brand?
2. To pre oil can i just gut an old distb. and spin the shaft with a drill to build pressure and for how long?
3.once started should i vary the RPM or hold it steady at a certian RPM and for how long?
4. should i change oil very soon after initiale start up? And how long should i "baby" the gas till it will be ready to see what it will do?
I have heard alot of opinion on these questions and repect you guys advise so thank you for any ideas
Somwhere on Woodward ave. Cruisin