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Old 04-26-2011, 07:53 PM
68bigbird 68bigbird is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Wichita Falls, TX
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68bigbird is on a distinguished road
HI everyone,
I finally got the T-Bird into my workshop about two months ago. I have just now started working on it as I had another car that I was wanting to get running first. Not done with that car but can justify sharing time now.
I was given the wrong key but still got the cylinder lock changed. I will not crank with the key but will if I jump across at the relay. Then it will stay running and doesn't seem to smoke. I am going to start a serious truobleshoot of that part of the starting system. I just need to get a battery for my multi tester.
I did however buy the Ford service repair manuals for 67 and the 68 supplement. So far they are a waste and not accurate. I have read what the manuals say and they give the wrong information on removing the instrument bezel and gauges. If anybody knows how to do this on a 68 I would greatly appreciate it. None of the screws are visible anywhere.
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