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Old 03-28-2011, 06:58 PM
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Burnt_Orange79 Burnt_Orange79 is offline
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Originally Posted by Tim Cole View Post
Sounds good. Not bad having your wife actually get involved to help with the repairs. I changed out both fuel filters today and my wife didn't even offer to help. But she did cook a great dinner and supper--so maybe I'll stick with the T-Bird and she th cuisine. Deal
Yeah, it is nice that my wife takes an interest in helping to work on the Bird(especially since it's technically her car). I came home one day last week and she was outside washing it. We have 4 vehicles, and the upkeep on them takes a lot of time, so it's always nice to have a little bit of help. It looks like I'm going to have to wait a month or so before ordering the headlight switch because the registration and car insurance bills on 2 of our vehicles are all due this month. It's always rough when those bills all hit at the same time!
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