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Old 03-06-2011, 07:15 PM
Tim Cole Tim Cole is offline
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Originally Posted by gtsfirefighter View Post
I've got the turbine wheels that are missing two center caps. I bought one off ebay and I am having trouble figuring out how to make it stay on the rim. What's the secret??
Ken: No secrets, but I'll share my experience with these expensive caps:

1. Does the cap you purchased for the trubine wheel has the tabs on it yet? Each cap should have 10 tabs to help secure it to the wheel.
2. The recess/inset (where the tabs fit into) on the turbine wheel must be cleaned of dirt, residue, paint, etc.
3. The cap should pop into the recess-use a rubber hammer to gently get it into position.
4. I use a little 3M glue on the tabs to secure the caps to the wheel. Otherwise they can fall off while cruising down the road. Caps are too pricey to lose 'em that way.
5. Never lost one while using the glue method.

Hope that helps. All the best to you.
Tim, Florida
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