I'm not 100% sure if we are talking about the same group -- but I think this is the "Mailing list" that originated from the Thunderbird Cyber Nest website. Been awhile but I think it's tbird.org.
I've been on their Flairbirds list for well over 15 years. Back in the day it was the best thing going, and a whopping improvement over the Usenet newsgroups that were the standard of the time. Jerry Wotel runs it, and is a great person to meet. However as the years have passed this type of message system has been stuck in a time warp. It has progressed only as servers have kicked out the older messaging systems; it is now in Yahoo Groups.
The problems I've had are not so much the moderation or even the method of messaging, but Yahoo Groups itself. For a long time I've been unable to respond to messages or even place new messages within the system -- the only way I could post was to actually e-mail new messages to a certain Yahoo address. Then one day I could no longer do that. So I'm gone, and apparently not missed. I still receive the daily digest, but it's rather dead -- particularly compared to a few years ago when it was so hot that it had to be broken down into several sections. (When I first joined it was "Little Birds" and "Big Birds." I kinda miss talking to Jerry and a few others, but oh well. If they want to talk to me I'm not hard to find.
I'm here now.