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  #3 (permalink)   IP:
Old 02-22-2011, 09:03 AM
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Gary Tayman Gary Tayman is offline
Tayman Electrical LLC
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Sarasota, Florida
Age: 69
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Gary Tayman is on a distinguished road
I've got the parts catalogs from many suppliers, and often when I need something I'll start there -- if only to see what they charge for the parts. A good rule of thumb, if the price seems reasonable, head on down to your local auto parts store because they probably have it. If the price is sky-high, better order it there because you may not find it elsewhere.

As for buying online, try using your search engine for the part itself. Try "64 Thunderbird hub cap" and see what comes up. One listing will ALWAYS be eBay, and you may find places like Mac's or Bird Nest, but then you just might find other sources you didn't know about. As for eBay itself, you may have to sift through some fluff, but it's a good source. Remember, try searching for "Thunderbird", "T-Bird", and "TBird." You'll be amazed at the different listings.

Finally, don't overlook ads in Hemmings for cars being parted out. You may find yourself some good deals there.
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