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Old 01-24-2011, 04:28 PM
SSGEOD SSGEOD is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Age: 44
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1965 T Bird, 2500 Good Deal?

I picked this up on Ebay Ford : Thunderbird - eBay (item 170594121055 end time Jan-24-11 08:51:03 PST)

I'm pretty excited. I'm not sure if I got a good deal or not but I feel like I did after doing alot of research. This one had a few things going for it.

1. He lives 100 miles away from my town. So no shipping costs
2. All original. No one has finger f'd it up.
3. Minmal rust. Nothing I can't deal with I hope.
4. Currently running well.

Anyways just wanted to see what you guys thought. I pick it up this weekend hopefully. I'm currently deployed but my wife and brother are going to put it in my garage for me.

When I get back I'm going to start dismantle'ing and blasting.


SSG Kurk, Joshua
49th EOD Tm2 TL
U.S. Army
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