Thread: New here.
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Old 01-24-2011, 10:58 AM
Tim Cole Tim Cole is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
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Tim Cole is on a distinguished road
Your High Temperature Problems

Welcome to the T-Bird forum. Congratulations on your new acquisition. Hope you will enjoy the car for years to come. But, admittedly, you have a challenge on your hands by owning a "foreign" car there in the Netherlands. Here in the US and Canada, people of Netherlands descent say, "If you're not Dutch, you're not much."

Here are some thoughts on your heating issues.
1. The 351M motor is known for running hot; hotter that its cousin, the 351W
2. Here are some ways you can lower the temeparature;
a. Make sure you have the right thermostat installed: Here's the part number for the thermostat that will work correctly for your motor: Motorcraft, RT-139, DOAZ-8575-A, Thermostat, 92 degrees. None of the aftermarket thermostats function the way the Motorcraft part does.
b. Below the thermostat opening, you will see a small hole through which anti-freeze flows back into your motor. Purchase a small freeze plug that fits perfectly into that hole; then, before installing it into the hole, drill a small hole (the size of a screw-driver shank) into the freeze plug itself. Carefully put that freeze plug into the hole. Tap it in to make sure seats correctly and won't come out. Reason for freeze plug: the freeze plug restricts the amount of anti-freeze going back into the motor and forces the coolant to flow into the radiator (instead) where it can be cooled down.
b. Install a 3-core radiator, instead of a 2-core radiator.
c. Make sure the fan shroud is correct and unbroken.
d. Make sure you have the correct fan blade for the car.
e. Make sure you have adequate amount of anti-freeze in the cooling system.
f. Make sure the radiator cap does not leak/ or is rusty/rubber seal is dry and cracked

This should get you started. Hope it helps. One problem at a time. Tim; Florida
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