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Old 01-23-2011, 12:31 AM
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Gary Tayman Gary Tayman is offline
Tayman Electrical LLC
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Originally Posted by Harley Eaton View Post
I'll just make some comments here: First - on wire wheels. Kelsey Hayes wire wheels have 48 spokes per wheel and only came in 14" size for Fords. Other makes (not KH) made 15" wheels with a different number of spokes. I don't know what you mean by "open rear end"....Windshield wipers are NOT electric. They are hydraulic, driven by the power steering pump. If all power windows quit, check the window safety relay: on firewall, engine side behind carburetor air cleaner. Sounds like the neutral safety switch needs adjusting. Holley carburetor is not original. Ford Autolite is a GOOD carburetor! Ford did not make the car with different wheels front and rear. All our wheels should be the same!


The wheels I'm referring to are the aftermarket wires. The front wheels are designed to accommodate the disk brakes, the rear wheels are narrower to allow for skirts. My spare tire is on an original T-Bird wheel, so it can be used on any hub should the tire go flat. Original wires were 14" and were not available at all on the 65 or 66. If these wheels were installed on a car (64 or older) the skirts had to come off.

By open rear end I think he means the standard design, as opposed to limited slip. These cars were available with six rear axles; three speeds, both standard and non-slip. Seems like nearly all of them were 3:1.

Neutral safety switch probably has not moved, but the doughnut inside the column and possibly the shift lever/detent plate need replacing.
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