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Old 01-22-2011, 12:23 PM
mkoebra95 mkoebra95 is offline
Tbird Padawan
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Maryland
Age: 51
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mkoebra95 is on a distinguished road
Kevin and Gary, thanks for the info and suggestions!

I live in Waldorf MD and work ab out 35 miles away. What originally got me interested in owning and restoring an early to mid 60's TBird was hearing my Dad's stories about the car club he belonged to and there was a junk yard on my drive to work that appeared to have some old iron in it as I drove by. One day I stopped and this is what I saw:

and there were a couple of Bullet Birds as well. They were way too out of it for me to buy as a project car, but...

No more than half a mile down the road, I came across this one:

and decided it was some kind of omen. So I bought it.

Anyway, now that the engine starts and runs reliably, the brakes and suspension are next on the to do list. Funny how Gary suggested that huh?



Last edited by mkoebra95; 01-22-2011 at 12:26 PM.
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