Originally Posted by Buttercup
It definitely pops through the carb. Sounds like I'm pulling the heads. Two more questions, if you'll indulge me:
- if it's been driven 30 or so miles with coolant in the oil does that damage the motor?
- is it possible to test the block and heads for warpage myself while the block is still in the car?
Thanks again! This forum is great.
That amount of miles shouldn't do any damage to the engine, but to be on the safe side, once the enging is back together, and running,(with a new oil change and filter)
run the engins for 50 miles, and drain the oil, and put in new oil, and filter.
As for checking to see if the parts are warped, you can always use a metal straight edge to test for warping.
Do this once the heads are removed.
You can check both the block and heads.
There are tools especially made for this, but a good metal straight edge should give you a pretty fair idea if you need to mill the heads.