Ya gotta look at it this way; you lost a day and some pocket change, but you eliminated two from the heard, only a thousand more to go.
Seriously, it took me many years and many miles to finally take the money out of my pocket. You have only just started. There arent many good examples left from a production run that ended fourtyone years ago so patience is going to be your new best friend. When you finally find that "just right at the right price" glamour-gal you will be so pleased with it and yourself for waiting to find that diamond in the ruff that you will look back on this expierence and the many to come as a very productive use of your life (and I think you get it all back at the end...think mind you, not sure.).
I annoyed the former owner of "Blackbird" so much with constant questions on the phone and so many pictures (61 to be exact) of his car before I agreed to go get it that I'm suprised he sold it to me.
I think he did just to get rid of me. People selling a car see it as they wanted it to always be, as it was when they got it, not for what time and life have done to it. So don't be too hard on them.
Your bird is waiting for you...out there...somewhere, you'll find it, just don't give up faith.
Good luck,