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Old 11-27-2010, 05:02 PM
Ford blue blood Ford blue blood is offline
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Location: Birmingham, AL
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Originally Posted by Jerry Byers View Post
My right side power windows are not working. No motor noise. I do have power at the front motor, but haven't checked the rear one yet.

1) Do you have to ground the motor since there is already a ground in the wiring harness? If so, where does the ground generally go both on the motor and on the door frame? The ground is to a stud on the door inside skin, yes it comes out of the motor but breaks away from the main harness to the stud after the plug.

2) Can I get the motor off the regulator without removing the entire assembly from the door? Might but it would be much eisier to remover the assembly.

3) If there is a problem in the front motor, will it prevent the back motor from running? No.

4) Can anyone give me any recommendations on where to buy a new or rebuilt motor? Check with the many suppliers, they are all fairly reputable.

5) Can anyone recommend a good repair shop in the N. Atlanta area that does work on old TBirds? Can't help with this one.

Thanks for any help anyone can supply.......
There is a T-Bird club in Atlanta, their members may be able to give you a line or just help you with the work.
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