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Old 11-17-2010, 02:37 AM
lazy390 lazy390 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2010
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lazy390 is on a distinguished road
hey guys if your prepared to take your time and stuff around you can get a great sound from the old girls.
Ive fitted a new top end pioneer head unit under the passenger seat, made adaptors to fit 6 inch 3 way 150 watt speakers in the dash and between the rear seats using the original mounts and a serious amount of egg crate foam, big amp in the drivers rear quarter behind the panel and a sub in a box. It took ages to get the sound sorta right ( as the stereo is now front to rear not left to right)and the front speaker aims at the screen with most of the sound trying to come out from under the speaker while the rear is aimed straight out !
this is easily removed and the only thing that gives it away is the remote.
PS the original radio still works!
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