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Old 10-09-2010, 12:59 AM
JokerSixTNine JokerSixTNine is offline
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Question About Brake Lights / Turn Signal Switch

I picked up a 64 TBird last month, and have narrowed down a lighting issue to what I think is the turn signal switch, but since it's a fairly expensive little plastic piece, I wanted to just verify my thoughts on this.

As far as the taillights go, my driving lights work, left and right turn signal work, when I press the brake only the right side works, and only the right side works for my hazard lights.

Using a circuit tester, I have power coming out of the brake switch when the brakes are pressed, as well as right before the steering column when I test the solid green wire. When I test the orange/blue wire out of the steering column (right side tail lights), I get power when I press the brakes, and I get power when I use the right side turn signal (the test light flashes). When I test the green/orange wire (left side tail lights), I get no power when I press the brakes, but I do still get power when I use my turn signals.

Also, is this something that could be corrected if I drilled out the turn signal switch rivet? Could it just be a bad or dirty connection or something?
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