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Old 09-27-2010, 10:37 AM
my66cruiser my66cruiser is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 83
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my66cruiser is on a distinguished road
Hi David from NC. Glad you got yours all fixed up nicely - it must feel good. Can't wait 'til mine is there. This job I may leave for a mechanic friend of mine whom I will bring all of the parts to and your invaluable advice as well. Also, if I don't have any up and down play in the steering column (I don't think that I do), what portion of your rebuild advice can be omitted? I just don't want to replace anything that is good (or that may have been replaced already). As a Mustang guy, I am new to T-birds since this is the first one I have owned. But she's a keeper and I want to do the right thing to make the car safe. Also, I have to find out if my Neutral safety switch is in the column or on the tranny. I have read that on my year car it could be one or the other - probably depending on what tranny one has. Thanks again.
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