Starting problems 60 conv

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Aug 31, 2010
I'm new to this forum and I need some help. I just bought a 1960 conv and I'm having problems starting the thing. It's been sitting for a number of years but ran fine before storage. When turning the key there's a click commimg from a relay behind the clove compartment but that's about all that happens (have tried in all gears). I have started the car by using a remote starter connected to the starter relay in the engine compartment so I know it runs fine. I also have a wiring diagram but the relay behing the clove compartment is not pictured in the diagram. Any thoughts what could be the problem?
Hi Matt.I have the same problem with my '64 but my relay is on the firewall.Talked to a old ford mechanic and he said it was a cutout switch for the alternater(maybe or maybe not)?Ran the info # and was told it was a relay for a conv top which is strange because mine is a hardtop.Had to run a remote switch inside till i switch to a newer alternater .Hope this helps Brent
The glove box (clove box?) is between the seats, isn't it? The click is coming from the back seat? I don't think there is a cutout for the alternator! I think on the 1964 it might be the window safety relay which would click when you turn the ignition on. On the 1960 T-Bird, I would check the neutral start switch..
Sounds like a bad ground at the sarter switch or bad switch,I don't think there are any relays behine the glove box the top relay is under the hood by the firewall wheelwell and the starter relay is on the center of the wheelwell. That is the way on mine 1959 convertible 430