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  #3 (permalink)   IP:
Old 08-23-2010, 09:34 AM
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verdejor verdejor is offline
Tbird Fanatic
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Panama City, FL
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verdejor is on a distinguished road
I used bendtsen adapter plate. was able to use stock driveshaft. Only issue was that the transmission mount even with turning the aod mounting plate around, was off about 2 inches anyways. I had a set of leaf spring lowering shackles and cut 2 pieces of metal to mate to the stock mount. works perfect for it. Hopefully tomorrow I get my TV cable.

I used a lokar tranny gear selector shaft and column shifter rod, new tranny hard thing is new exhaust. will post pics when I get it on a lift after exhaust is done.
It's not all that, But it's mine...
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