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Old 08-22-2010, 08:18 PM
Steve R. Steve R. is offline
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upper lid limit switch and gears

I received my E-limit switch from Thunderbird Ranch and before I installed it, I ran the upper lid up and checked the play in the arm. It was ok. Then I ran the arm to the down position and there was a lot more play in it. 1/2 to 3/4 inch play. So, I took the upper lid off and took the arm, gear housing and motor off. It took the gear housing off and inspected the worm gear. It looked OK. I then checked the brass gear and could not see any gaps, worn, broken or bent teeth.
I put it all back together and ran the arm up and down off of the car. I stopped in several positions while lowering the arm with the motor and did not notice any excessive play in the arm until it was all the way in the down position. Why would it have play in the down position if the brass gear appears to be OK. What am I missing? The gear housing has no cracks and is not broken.
Also, if I do need to replace the brass gear, how do I do this?
Thanks everyone, Steve R.
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