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Old 08-19-2010, 11:16 AM
Darrellinceres Darrellinceres is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
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I've got my motor (428) on the engine stand. I'm putting it back together hopefully to get it back in this weekend. I'll take a close look at mine and see if I can see anything else that may cause it to hang up in there. It’s not exactly like yours but similar. I've heard of new starters that don't fit quite right and the flywheel cuts into the starter. Make a strange noise at first but once it cuts a groove it quiets down. I’m starting to think this is more likely what happened. The starter is the highest current drawer and since the solenoid is not on the starter like a chubby I don’t think you could hurt it unless it stayed engaged while the engine was running.

How much force have you used with the pry bar? If you have someone who can help you might try having him turn the engine over (big ratchet on the crank bolt) while you try prying from underneath. If it did cut into the starter you might be able to work it out that way.
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