Thanks Boaterbob. I adjusted the limit switch again and the top started to retract. It looks like the system is in sync., but the set screw on the outer rotary is puling through the plastic. I may have popped it earlier. At least I now know what the problem is and will replace the limit switch with the one I have on order from Thunderbird Ranch. The upper panel gear does have extra play in it. Is there some way to fix the gears in it? Also, my top motor reservoir is leaking. I think it needs a new O-ring. Should I try to replace it locally or is there someone who sells them? When I take the motor/reservoir out, what size caps should I get to keep the system from leaking?
I am very glad I found this group. I have owed this bird for 27 years and have been dreading the day that I would have top problems. But, now I don't feel like I am totally alone out here.Thank you again for your help.