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Old 08-15-2010, 02:02 PM
Whaler Whaler is offline
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Screech coming from convertible Hydraulic Pump Motor

Can any fellow convertible owners give me some guidance here. When I push the top control switch to open the rear deck lid I’m getting a screeching sound from the hydraulic pump. Once the deck is open it stops and is quiet for the rest of the top down operation (top retract) until it comes time for the deck lid to come back down, then I get the screech again. I was thinking the pump may be low on fluid but checked and it seems full. Also, if the pump was low on fluid wouldn’t it screech throughout the entire process since the same hydraulic pump runs both the deck and convertible top cylinders? Could something be going on with the rear deck solenoid? Not sure if it matters, but car is a 1961.

Appreciate the help.


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