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Old 08-13-2010, 11:45 PM
67Malibu 67Malibu is offline
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Terry, the quickest test of the ground circuit is the use a heavy wire(battery cable heavy) and connect to both heavy posts on the starter Solenoid. Effectively you have now replaced the solenoid contacts with the wire. If it cranks then the current path is OK from battery-through starter-engine-battery. The ground to the frame is seperate and usually about a 10 gauge wire from the battery to the radiator support. There are also grounds from the engine and transmission to the frame often. I can't say for sure on your car as I'm primarily a GM,Audi,Chrysler,Volvo owner..
Another test you can do is use a 14 gauge wire from the battery + to the solenoid pick terminal. This should also cause the starter to spin and basically bypasses the ignition switch, neutral safty switch and the bulkhead connector at the firewall.
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