Thread: Vacuum Problems
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Old 05-29-2002, 09:52 AM
Dutch Dutch is offline
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In regard to your heater/ac problem, if both heat and air are not working I'd suspect a vacuum leak problem in the control panel. This is accessed on passenger side by removing panel on hump. Maybe one of the hoses is cracked or has fallen off the controls.

I've had this happen, as well as a problem with the water valve in the engine compartment (which is vacuum controlled). My valve was sticking in the closed position, so I wasn't getting any heat. Check to see if you're getting vacuum at this valve when you turn your heater on.

On your A/C problem, is your compressor's clutch engaging? Even with a vacuum leak the compressor should be working unless there is a an electrical problem in the control panel. When you turn on the a/c, does the air blow from the vents, or down at your feet? If it blows at your feet, then you definitely have a vacuum leak and the ducts are not opening and closing correctly.
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