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Old 07-29-2010, 11:17 PM
Ken in MN Ken in MN is offline
'65 Convertible
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Woodbury, Minnesota
Age: 75
Posts: 29
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Ken in MN is on a distinguished road
Sounds like the neutral safety switch. Try holding the shift lever up when turning the key. Does it start then? If so, the switch needs adjusting and/or the lower steering column bushing is shot or missing.

Also, check the battery to frame ground connection. It sounds like it's okay but the car needs a GOOD ground to turn over the starter.

As a last resort, you can jump across the neutral safety switch to see if that's the problem. CAUTION: If you do this, the car will start in any gear and you could crash into something or someone.

Good luck finding the problem.
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