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Old 07-21-2010, 11:28 AM
Darrellinceres Darrellinceres is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 72
Rep Power: 22
Darrellinceres is on a distinguished road
Thanks for getting back to me. I was beginning to think that there wasn’t anybody with a 66 left in this forum.
What I’m missing is the brass tee. Does the line to the proportioning valve connect to the front of the MC and the two front brake lines go to the tee on the bottom hole? Now all I’ve got to do is find one of those tees. I’ll have to look for someone’s “Parting Out” ad and see if I can find one. I probably can get one from that bone yard in Arizona.
I’m also trying to contact my local Thunderbird club and see if anyone has a 66 that I can look at. I’ve been using Jim Wulf’s T-Bird garage as a source of pictures to see how things were routed. I’m trying to put it back together as original as I can. Would you have any pictures of the engine compartment on your Bird? Something that shows the MC and the fitting?
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