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  #12 (permalink)   IP:
Old 07-18-2010, 03:00 PM
Thunderbirds NW Thunderbirds NW is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Edmonds, WA.
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Thunderbirds NW is on a distinguished road
Thunderbirds NW

I agree with Dutch on his approach of cleaning the small white box in the trunk, to the right of, and behind the spare tire location. After you remove some insulation you will see the white box. Once pried open I used cotton swabs sprayed very lightly with WD 40 cleaned the cam and contact points. Cleaned all the inside of the white box inside, so no black residue was present. Closed the white box. The sequential signals started working and went for a year when I had to repeat the process. After the second cleaning I haven't had to climb in the trunk for 10 years! Remember outside the box there is a screw which attaches the unit to the body of the car which is your ground. The white plastic box won't work without it being grounded. Best of Luck Thunderbirds NW
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