Adjusting Timing on 66

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Jul 1, 2003
Los Angeles
hello. i recently got a 66 t-bird that is in pretty good shape but needs a lil motor and aesthetic work. im just getting around to "working" on it. too bad im not mechanically inclinded.

i need some help.
when i go to start it doesnt start. the engine turns but nothing happens. i added a lil gas to the carburetor and it starts for like 5 sec but then turns right off again. the guy i bought the car from says that it might not turn on becuz the timing is off. how would i go about fixing the timing on the car. i have the 66 shop manual so if you can point me in the right direction in the book. also the poswer steering and power brakes dont seem to be working. i had to push the car once and i noticed the power steering fluid was leaking. also the "tin can" on the RH side next to the firewall (that i think is used for the vaccuum) seems to have a ding in it. not really a hole, but i dent. do i need a new one? brake lights dont work. i think they had the stop light swtich replaced but that didnt seem to help. anything else i can try?

if anyone can help i'd greatly appreciate it. im just a 20 yr old with a great looking car and no mechanical skills.

[ 07-01-2003: Message edited by: urbantek ]

[ 07-01-2003: Message edited by: urbantek ]
im still very new to the handbook abd when i read it ...its pretty much all foreign to me. can someone point me in the right direction.
If you know of an old-timer mechanic I would go in that direction. From what you say, i think the problem is in the fuel delivery. There are ways to test this but you might get in trouble.
urbantek first of all if it starts for a few seconds when you pour some gas in the carb but then dies..that's your fuel pump,replace it,its on the drivers side front corner with 2 lines going in to it and 2 bolts holding it on the block...the more i think about it why dont you send me a email and i'll try to walk you through so of your prob'[email protected]

I agree with Joe find yourself someone that knows about old cars. Several things could be wrong with your fuel delivery other then your fuel pump.
I agree with Joe find yourself someone that knows about old cars. Several things could be wrong with your fuel delivery other then your fuel pump.
Guys i'm not saying it is 100% his fuel pump but 9 times out of ten it is...and its a simple fix that he can do for $ his post again he said he's 20 years old and dosent know about cars..thats a mechanics dream right there! so i'm just tryin to help him check the obvious thing first before he go's and starts paying somone to do somthing he can do,plus he has to learn sometime if he plans on keeping the car.I think if he knew a "old timer" like you said then he wouldnt be asking for help on this forum dont ya think.

Didnt mean to sound Pi$$y in that last post but here you have a young new guy asking for help and it just seemed like he was kinda get the blowoff...maybe he wasent but it seemed that way.

;) maybe he needs blinker fluid

No seriously could be an aray of things the needle and seat may be stuck on the carb and insuficiant fuel if any is gettin to the motor, than again it could be the fuel pump but always try the simple first then work your way up.
Good Luck... she's just being stubborn.
Okay, for starters disconnect the fuel line to the carb. and disconnect the coil lead so the engine won't srart. Crank the engine and see if you are getting any fuel pressure. If not the fuel pump, fuel filter or lines to the pump are at fault. The rubber flex line to the pump could be colapsed.
Be careful as spilled gas can be dangerous.
If you are getting pressure the problem is prpbably in the carb.
Good luck,
Let us know how the fuel delivery problem goes and then we will go on to the other problems. Always willing to help, just don't want you to get into trouble.
Hang in there,