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Old 07-08-2010, 03:07 PM
UncleDougie UncleDougie is offline
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Fuel Delivery Issues

I am getting no fuel to the carb. I put five gallons in the tank in case the gas gauge is broken; how much starter cranking should one have to do to see gas from the fuel line at the carb? I have done about five or six 10 second cranks and I am seeing nothing.

Since it appears I will be changing the fuel pump ( i will try blowing air back to the tank to make sure the lines are not plugged) I wanted to garner opinions about fuel pumps. Is it worth the extra $ to get a Holley or Edlebrock? I am not worried about originality; I just want to get her going. The stock pumps had the cannister filter; mine has a filter at the carb so I dont need the filter/pump combo but I dont want to have to modify the gas line fittings.
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