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Old 07-07-2010, 08:21 AM
rw_removed rw_removed is offline
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Sound System upgrade for 1964

Hopefully this will start a series of helpful posts for others as well.

I want to upgrade the sound system on my 1964. I am interested in hearing/seeing how others have done this. I would love to hear reviews of the Custom Autosound radios (apparently the other player, Retrosound, doesn't have a fit for the 1964 yet) or any other custom radio options you have employed. Pictures would be great.

Also, did anyone do anything creative with speaker placement, etc? I currently have the dash mount and the package tray mount. It looks like I might be able to install 2 small tweeters/speakers on either side of the rear vent. Has anyone tried that? Got pics? How about up front? Kick panels? In door?

What about subs and amps? Stealthspeakers?

Thanks in advance for any feedback. And please, include pictures.
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