Thread: 64 Brake issue
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Old 06-17-2010, 02:37 PM
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Frat_man-du Frat_man-du is offline
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I had a simialr issue on one of my '65s. Loosen the bolts on the Mast. Cyl and gently pull out a bit - see if any signs of fluid leaking into the break booster if so the Master needs to be redone, and maybe soon the booster, if fluid got in there, not too likely as there is a lip and seal around the push rod to prevent this. I let mine go too long and got fluid into the booster - almost 10 oz was quite a mess...

Yes there is a rubber flex line on top of the Axle slightly towards the pass side, if I recall right. Just follow steel line along the top of the axle and you will find it. Silly easy to change. Just be careful when being under any car.
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