1965 Tbird Heater Core Help!!!


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May 25, 2010
HI to all of fellow tbird lover, PLEASE HELP how do I remove the heater to replace the heater core.Looked in the manual but its just not clear said to remove 4 screws under the hood didnt not see any,mine has air cond but the manual has it for w/o air any help would be appreciated thanks in advance!!
I know the feeling. There ARE four "nuts" on the firewall (engine side) that I believe were 3/8 of size. there are 2 on driver's side (on on top, other about 8 inches below or so.) the other 2 are located : 1 near the throttle linkage and the other towards middle of first 2 mentioned and the throttle linkage. good luck.
TIP: Before intalling the new core, I would install the core in the engine bay and run the car to test for leaks...it is a little longer installation by testing, but you won't have to re-do the whole install due to another leaking core.
Removing the heater core - not a big problem. Remove the RH lower dash panel (stainless steel strip, three screws, two bolts). Then the heater housing cover (7 screws as I recall,all with 5/16"hex head). Move the bowden cable for the RH air vent out of the way. If the heater core has been removed before, there may only be 2 screws to remove to loosen the core from the housing. On the engine side of the fire wall, remove the heater hoses and 2 tin nuts above and below the hose connections (7/16"). Core comes out!
But, if the heater core has 4 screws holding it to the housing, then you need to remove the other nuts on the engine side to remove the heater housing. Been there, done that!!
Thanks for the HELP you guys rock!!!!!Full of know how I will be able to give answers to ?'s when Iam done with this projectn and its all because you guys are so helpful.
Got the core out!!? the guy that had it by passed the heater because of the bad core so how do the hose's connect back up.And it looks like a vaccume hose connects the water control valve it has a very smal nipple on it along with 2 hose connections thank in advance for the HELP!!
core leaks

Looks like that is my next job on the Tbird. The fellow who had it previously put a shut off valve in the water hose under the hood. I opened it up this morning so I could get some heat - got the heat, but also a nice puddle of antifreeze and water on the carpet! Can the cores be repaired by the radiator shop, or is it better to just buy a new core?